15 May 2018

New Beginnings

So, after 7 intense years at Infratects (now Inlumi), it's time for me to move on.

I have a few ideas about what to do next, but nothing set in stone yet. My LinkedIn profile could do with more details, but it's a decent primer for what I do for a living - Hyperion/EPM, Python, Java, Weblogic and thereabout.

I was a web developer in a previous life, so I enjoy hacking and automating everything, getting dirty with infrastructure and the cloud; and in 13 years working on Hyperion products, I've absorbed a pretty good amount of knowledge related to financial processes (consolidation rules, metadata, cube performance and so on) as well as a deep understanding of the innards of the EPM suite. I can tweak your database, hack your Weblogic, integrate your cloud-based authentication, script your exports and migrations, and so on; and if there is something the tools won't do... I'll build you a new tool! That's where I make the difference: at the intersection of technology and Finance, boosting the productivity of accountants.

If this sounds interesting, ping me on LinkedIn and we can have a chat.

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