27 March 2012

RDP Quick Screenshots, Or: How I've Learnt To Stop Worrying And Reverse The Problem

My work involves installing stuff on customers' servers, mostly running Windows. I usually have very limited access to them, often having to go through the customers' own computers, and what I can or cannot install is regulated by strict policies (which is good practice). And of course, one wants to minimize potential problems and maximize performance, so only the minimum amount of necessary applications and tools are installed. This would all be fine, if I didn't have to take lots and lots of screenshots in order to document (and prove) what I'm doing and how I'm doing it.

This is not a problem if I can work from my laptop, where I can run a powerful app like SnagIt or Camtasia, but it's a real pain if I have to use other hardware. If it's a simple environment with a handful of machines, I can make do with the default Remote Desktop client (mstsc.exe); if I'm lucky, it'll be a modern version that supports the CTRL-ALT-+ shortcut, which takes a screenshot of the active window inside the RDP session. That's not ideal: the resulting images are large BMP files, and you have to manually paste each one into a document right after taking the screenshot; it breaks your flow and there's a good chance you'll forget to paste it right away and lose the image after some careless CTRL-C... but I guess I could live with it.

Unfortunately, I mostly have to work on environments including dozens of machines, so the only practical approach is to use a RDP manager; since I cannot install any fancy app, it usually means I have to make do with the Remote Desktop Console (tsmmc.msc) or its modern equivalent Remote Desktop Manager. That means saying bye-bye to CTRL-ALT-+ and hello PrintScreen and mspaint.exe/Edit/Crop. Argh.

Today I thought I'd solve this problem once and for all. As Bruno Oliveira eloquently illustrated in his chart, automation is The Way of The Geek, and I am a goddamn geek. Embracing my Google-fu, I set off to find The One True Tool for this task.

My first stop was QuickScreenShots. It's a simple screenshotting app that doesn't require installation; just unzip it on the server and off you go. It features shortcuts to take screenshots of an active window, arbitrary region or full desktop; images can be automatically saved to a specific folder; best of all, it's written in (ta-daaa!) Python! w00t!

Unfortunately, it doesn't feature anything similar to CTRL-ALT-+. Not a problem, I thought: where there's Python, there's a way. Except that it didn't turn out to be the case here. RDP deals in graphic screens, not desktop widgets, and it has no concept of something like "the active window"; this is what Raymond Chen himself told me, and Raymond knows a thing or two about Windows (euphemism of the month). Mstsc.exe probably uses an undocumented extension (I guess through the Virtual Channel interfaces for RDP "plugins") to get the active window, and as far as I can see, it doesn't expose the feature through automation objects (although I haven't looked very hard, to be honest; at the end of the day, I figured it would probably be inaccessible when run through tsmmc.msc anyway). At one point I've even tried to hack it by using WshShell.SendKeys to fake a CTRL-ALT-+, but somehow it didn't work (I find SendKeys quite "temperamental" and very dependent on the Windows version; on one XP image, for example, the documented {PRTSC} keycode simply wouldn't work for me).

Sad and lonely, I was almost resigned to long, intimate sessions with mspaint, when I had the most classic epiphany. I realized my problem could be easily solved by reversing the approach: instead of trying to pull screenshots through the RDP client, I could run QuickScreenShots on all machines (after all, it's portable!), inside the RDP server sessions. I just need to point the "autosave folder" to a network share and lo, all my screenshots of the active window should end up there, nicely saved as PNG. It's so easy it almost hurts, considering I've wasted a couple of hours going through MSDN, but I'm happy I've found a decent solution anyway.

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