06 December 2011

State of Python 3

I want to start a little side-project, basically a few lines of HTTP automation and mail sending; nothing that some Taco Bell Programming couldn't handle, but I don't particularly like shell scripts and I figured it'd be cleaner in Python.

It's 2011 and One Should Really Use Python 3, right ? The box I'll work on is a brand new Debian Testing where Python 2.x is not even installed, perfect! I'll just grab virtualenv... Waitamminute, "python" doesn't even run, but I'm sure I had installed the python3 package...? Oh, "python3" in Debian doesn't give you /usr/bin/python but rather /usr/bin/python3 !
Thank you, Debian Project, for your consistent inconsistency dealing with anything Python-related. Ok, so a quick run of update-alternatives and that's sorted.

Now I'll

easy_install virtualenv
... sorry, easy_install3 virtualenv, of course... oops, syntax error, clearly a Python 2.x package there. Does easy_install discriminate between 2.x and 3.x package? Er, no. Joy.

Whatever, I'll just grab virtualenv.py and drop it in /usr/local/bin, right? cool, works a treat. Activated my virtualenv, let's try again to download a couple of libs... paramiko: syntax error, clearly a 2.x package. funkload: syntax error, again a 2.x package. I know, I'll use pip! ... no difference.

Basically I can choose whether to handle libraries like it was 2001, website after website, setup.py after setup.py; or I can develop like it was 2009, i.e. with python 2.x.

I think for now I'll choose life, and drop python 3.

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