17 August 2008

Pythonaro, oh-oh-oh

As you might have noticed I've moved this blog under pythonaro.com, and to celebrate the event I'm abandoning the blogger-supplied template. Things will break for a few weeks, bear with me.


  1. Anonymous18/8/08 21:33

    Well, the green/yellow colour theme (maybe Pythonic? A bit of old and new, but where is the blue?) is nice, though it reminds me of Lemonsoda.

    The font used for the headers is great!

  2. Yeah, the colour combo was meant to be a bit pythonic and different from your average blog... Somebody already said that "it doesn't look like a blog": mission accomplished!
    It's a bit flat, would probably do with a background image of some sort (was thinking about a pixelated python skin in a corner somewhere), but my photoshop sk1LLz are not exactly up to speed.

  3. Anonymous20/8/08 12:55

    I also have a curiosity/suggestion. There's an invite to contact you by email both at the top of the right column and at the bottom of the main content space, immediately after the blog entries. I wonder why (i) the invite is duplicated; (ii) the way of disguising your email address isn't the same! (Not counting the third way on the about page! :-D)

  4. 1) because I want the love! ;)
    2) because it makes it harder for spammers to look for patterns.
