08 June 2008

KDelicious 3.3 beta build

I'm going back to the old habit of uploading "beta" builds of KDelicious a few days before releasing. I had a lot of problems with Debian packages after I stopped doing that (for completely unrelated reasons), so I thought I'd summon a bit of old-times' luck... The files are in a little corner of the web. If you try them, please report any problems to me (g dot lacava on Gmail) or on the bugtracker at kdelicious.sf.net.


  1. Anonymous11/6/08 08:35

    Neanche un post(ino) sullo 0-3 italiota?
    Sei proprio diventato serio. :-P

  2. Mi fa male al fegato, avevo pure scommesso dei (pochi) soldi su pareggio o vittoria. Guardiamo i lati positivi: l'atmosfera da gita al mare e' finita, si torna al fortino assediato che tanto piace ai nostri miliardari pigri.
