04 February 2008

NYC must be going crazy today

NY Giants won the Superbowl! When we were in NYC two weeks ago, they had just won the Conference (the "semifinal") and the local sport people were thrilled; the entire Madison Square Garden went crazy when it was announced that a couple of Giants players had come to see the Knicks. Now I'm waiting for Youtube to come back online just to see the final 32-yard and 83-yard actions, which must have been spectacular.


  1. It kicked serious Patriot ass.

  2. a me il superbowl ricorda tanto ace ventura..cmq tanti auguri!

  3. Grazie! e non sapevo "ci avessi il bloggo" pure te. Linky love is on its way...

  4. grosse novità di questa casa..pure tu sei tra la gente da salotto,ciao!
