12 January 2008

Downloading KDE4

KDE 4.0 is out. I'm currently installing OpenSUSE 10.3 in a qemu image in order to test it (as openSUSE is the only distro to ship official binary packages right away -- and in a very good way: "KDE4 development" is even listed among their regular installation targets). Well, let's see if ti's really as good (or as bad) as people say.


  1. So... Is this KDE4, that everybody talks about, really that good :)?

  2. It's very bare, and even ugly in places (like the borderless KMenu). I don't see how any distro could ship it at this point in time. It looks and feel very amateurish.

    It's clear that they didn't want to postpone the release despite being well behind schedule, but this is really just a beta for developers. Don't bother touching it before 4.1.

  3. Thanks for the reply in such a short notice! I'll keep that in mind when I decide to try it on my Virtual Box...
