03 October 2007


I published my django presentation slides on the Files section of the list page (in ODP and PDF).

My notes on the meeting are in the relevant post at Happenings in Python Usergroups.

I certainly enjoyed it, and I hope the other guys did too. The presentation was ok (even though I slightly fudged the demo, and didn't really go too deep into details); I think people enjoyed the overview, and I tried to communicate what django was all about, more than showing clever tricks or how to satisfy obscure requirements.

Who knows, maybe one day I'll actually make a living out of this stuff...


  1. Care to expand about the demo? I read the slides and indeed they felt as if some more context was missing.

  2. What context, exactly? In the slides, I explained the main MVC/MTV concepts behind django, the few "djangoisms" you need to know to start (django-admin, manage.py), the request flow... django being a framework, there's lots to cover and I didn't want to do a 2-hours tutorial, simply an overview of how easy and simply "pythonic" django can be. But hey, ask and I'll answer :)

  3. I was referring to the context of the presentation, not the slides themselves, i.e. the missing part was your demo, which there is no clue about in the slides.

    re slides, however, I maintain that there is really no "controller" part in Django. Requests go directly to the resources (which are modeled as functions if they are read-only resources, or classes if they are read-write resources) while in framework where a real controller exists (e.g. Rails) the dispatch is mediated by it. What do you think about that?

  4. I don't know Rails well enough to compare; truth is, the Controller in classic MVC is a component which makes sure that views get synchronized when data changes. In server-side web terms, that role doesn't really exist, so you can basically assign the name very loosely to what you prefer. You could really argue that the middleware is the real Controller, as all requests will be mediated by it, or even the urls (since urls.py is a python script, you could probably do dynamic things in it).

  5. Yup, OK.

    re make a living, you may actually even think to write about Python stuff.
